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Classes start fromRM 20/hour
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Tailored learning for every learning need

We offer a diverse range of classes. Find the perfect fit for your schedule and learning style, and embark on a personalized educational adventure with us!
One-time class
Join single session to learn about a specific topic or skill. It's a brief, focused learning experience without a long-term commitment.
Join single session to learn about a specific topic or skill. It's a brief, focused learning experience without a long-term commitment.
Weekly class
Participate in session that repeats every week for consistent and structured learning experience over a longer period.
Participate in session that repeats every week for consistent and structured learning experience over a longer period.
Dive into an immersive learning journey with our multi-day short courses, bootcamp or workshops to explore in-depth knowledge and hands-on skills.
Dive into an immersive learning journey with our multi-day short courses, bootcamp or workshops to explore in-depth knowledge and hands-on skills.
This Week's Recommended
Ace Your Exam with Free Past Year Paper Simulation
Ace Your Exam with Free Past Year Paper Simulation
  • 2 Study Modes: Practice by topic to focus on specific areas, or dive into full past year papers for comprehensive preparation
  • Flexible Timing: Simulate real exam conditions with timed tests, or choose practice mode for a stress-free learning environment
  • Practice Anytime, Anywhere: Conveniently practice on-the-go, whether on your handphone or desktop
  • Personal Progress Tracker: Track your performance and progress with each attempt
  • Actual IGCSE past-year papers and more to come...
  • Practice Now
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Browse And Search CoursesEnter your keywords to search through Stageo. Instantly view the coach's profile, course details, ratings & reviews to find the fit that's just right for you
Pick Your SlotPick a date and available time slot that fits your availability. Instantly book and secure your session (or for your learner) and make the payment
Start Your LearningAfter your payment is successful, you will be enrolled to your class. You'll now have the freedom to access learning materials and connect with your coach. Start your journey to greater knowledge and success with your coach's guidance!
Join our learning community now!Don't wait any longer to achieve your goals. Sign up now and start learning today